Thursday 23 April 2020

World Is Facing The COVID-19 Pandemic

In this period of turmoil when the world is facing the covid19 pandemic, life seems to be upside down. Panic, terror, uncertainty, and despair are the biggest monsters that hang over everyone's head, trying to strangle their lives.

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However, despite the horrible presence of these demons, there seems to be a ray of hope among people and this tree of light lights up in the form of a positive attitude adopted by all of us.

Since the outbreak of this Coronavirus, a complete transformation is evident in the behavior and attitude of most of us. We have become selfless, empathetic, patient, and humble. A transformation, for which motivating preachers, religious leaders, social activists, and reformers preached for several years, Corona taught them in a month. Is it a reality to cry or celebrate?

It is time to think. As a civilized nation, we have to behave towards each other in a more positive and decent way than expected, but unfortunately, we never realized it. In the "pre-crown scenario," each of us lived in a shell of our ego and arrogance. We were part of a race for materialistic gains. In this race, we forget to feed our spiritual energies. The energies that stimulate our mind and soul, enriching them in the most desirable way.

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We have become indifferent to the agony and suffering of others. We only had one motto in life and it was "My happiness", even if we have to achieve it at the cost of destroying the happiness and pleasure of others. Instead of "human beings", we become "evil beings". And that's where our miseries began.

Nature has its way of approaching things. He loves us more and could not see us suffering from creatures. We suffered long before the outbreak of this Corona pandemic, suffering in the way of transforming into "evil beings" instead of "human beings". Nature must heal us with its healing hand. We needed to be spiritually and morally healed.

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To return things to normal, to free ourselves from the chains of arrogance and pride, Nature's healing hand covered the Universe with the clouds of COVID-19. This is how the purification of our mind and body is commemorated.

The healing process is underway "during the COVID-19 period", causing a positive change in the attitude and behavior of most of us. Forgotten values ​​have been recovered to help and care for others. We all desperately want to play our part in supporting others. The materialistic race has stopped. People are satisfied and grateful for what they have. The power of humanity has taken over by demolishing the castles of pride and greed.

Questions arise, do we need pandemics to change spiritually? Can't we stand firm without giving up our human qualities? Nature has given us her treasures of mercy, so why not be merciful to her creatures too? Let us make a commitment to align our lives with the ways of nature and not dive into the ocean of superficial life where the waves of moral and spiritual catastrophe envelop us easily. I would also like us to stick to this phase of positivity and transformation in the "post-COVID-19 phase".