Monday 20 April 2020

What really makes a celebrity a true celebrity?

Angelina Julie, Gal Godot, Jennifer, Hollywood, celebrity, actress, movies, Hollywood movies, famous celebrities,

What makes a celebrity a true celebrity? Is it media coverage? The search for tabloids? Perhaps mere popularity is what leads us to call movie stars, musicians, and politicians celebrities. If so, are non-traditional stars celebrities too?

To find a satisfactory answer to this dilemma, one must search for a clue about celebrity. has developed an algorithm to assign a value to a celebrity, as well as actions are assigned a monetary value so that visitors or members of the site can create a portfolio of celebrities. The algorithm takes into account the amount and timing of celebrity news, as well as celebrity popularity as part of online portfolios. But does this adequately measure the level of celebrity a person has reached?


To determine this, we must consider what a celebrity really means. The American Heritage Dictionary defines celebrity as "a famous person" or "renowned, recognized". This definition is indeed very broad. To be recognized is simply to be known. Osama Bin Laden is well known but does not necessarily have the same audience as Jessica Alba. By this definition, however, they are both celebrities.

So to be a celebrity, you must be famous or infamous, and the distinction is irrelevant. Similarly, people who have developed a sequel in an unconventional way like the Internet or reality shows are also celebrities, although some have more global coverage than others. Therefore, to measure the level of celebrity attained by an individual, it is sufficient to measure his popularity.

Measure popularity

Before the information age, measuring popularity would involve countless searches in newspapers and magazines. Print resources, as well as television and radio, contained all the celebrity news and gossip. With the advent of the Internet, this, of course, has changed. Today, the Internet has not only opened countless doors for those who aspire to fame, but it has also developed a multitude of media and gossip.

Most mainstream media - magazines, newspapers, radio, and television - have developed an online presence. Often these websites contain more information about celebrities than the original medium. People interested in entertainment news now have countless ways to find the information they are looking for.

However, the fastest way to find information online is to use search engines. Major search engines index all web pages and online news as they develop, giving users the opportunity to focus on the material they want. The search for celebrities will generate thousands, if not millions, of relevant results. It follows that simply by counting the number of searches and articles for each celebrity, you can understand the popularity of that person.

5 highest-paid actors in the world 2019

1. Dwayne Johnson
Earnings: $89.4 million

2. Chris Hemsworth
Earnings: $76.4 million

3. Robert Downey Jr
Earnings: $66 million

4. Akshay Kumar
Earnings: $65 million

5. Jackie Chan
Earnings: $58 million

5 highest-paid actresses in the world 2019

1. Scarlett Johansson
Earnings: $56 million

2. Sofia Vergara
Earnings: $44.1 million

3. Reese Witherspoon
Earnings: $35 million

4. Nicole Kidman
Earnings: $34 million

5. Jennifer Aniston
Earnings: $28 million

World Top 5 Richest People

1. Jeff Bezos
Net Worth: $116.9 billion 
Founder: Amazon
Bezos went public with Amazon in 1997 and has since become the first man since Bill Gates in 1999 to reach a net worth of more than $ 100 billion. Other Bezos projects include aerospace company Blue Origin, the Washington Post (which it bought in 2013), and the 10,000-year clock, also known as Long Now.

2. Bill Gates
Net Worth: $99.9 billion3
Co-Founder: Microsoft Corp.
Harvard's only downfall in the Top Five, Bill Gates' talent for increasing wealth is staggering, even to an already wealthy man. The net worth of the Microsoft co-founder has more than doubled since 2009.

3. Bernard Arnault Family
Owner of LVMH
Net Worth: $91.6 billion
French citizen Bernard Arnault is President and CEO of LVMH, the world's largest luxury goods company. The company owns some of the world's largest brands, including Louis Vuitton, Bulgari, Sephora, Dior, Hennessey, Marc Jacobs, and many others.

4. Warren Buffett
Net Worth: $70.5 billion9
Best Investor of the 20th Century

5. Larry Ellison
Chief Technology Officer and Founder of Oracle
Net Worth: $62.4 billion
Larry Ellison co-founded a database software company, Oracle, in 1977. He resigned as CEO in 2014, but remains the chief technical officer and chairman of the board. He has also served on Tesla's board of directors since December 2018.

5 Most Powerful Pople in The World 2019

1. Xi Jinping

2. Vladimir Putin

3. Donald Trump
United States

 4. Angela Merkel

5. Jeff Bezos